I am excited to be part of SCS Centar-Jadro’s new publication In Dialogue.
The publication features the works of 20 artists and designers from North Macedonia and the Balkan region, including Yane Calovski, Jasmina Cibic, Igor Grubic, Hristina Ivanoska, Oliver Musovik, Nada Prlja, Igor Tosevski, Nikola Uzunovski and Velimir Zernovski. A book launch as well as an exhibition - Once more will be way too much: Mediating (Im)possibilities - will take place on 12 – 17 May 2022 at Pogon (Zagreb).
Editor: Gjorgje Jovanovik
Curators: Aleksandra Bubevska, Vladimir Janchevski, Jovanka Popova Graphic design: Darko Aleksovski
In Dialogue, book launch, Pogon, Zagreb (HR)